
The aims set down in the constitution of Fondazione Collegio San Carlo in Modena, include providing «civil, intellectual, professional and religious education for young people, even beyond the completion of their studies».

In pursuance of these objectives, the Foundation grants reductions on tuition fees for students already residing in the College in academic year 2023/2024 who are not eligible for any other student grant for the current academic year. To apply, students must complete the relevant form and submit a Dichiarazione Sostitutiva Unica (DSU) (a declaration of income and assets) in order to obtain an ISEE (equivalent economic situation indicator) for the purposes of means-testing in relation to university tuition fees.

Fondazione Collegio San Carlo is also party to an agreement under which scholarships can be awarded to university students who are children of subscribers to former Inpdap, former Ipost, former Enam and Gestione Unitaria delle Prestazioni Creditizie e Sociali social security funds, and a further agreement covering scholarships for the children of subscribers to the Enpam (Ente Nazionale di Previdenza ed Assistenza Medici) social security fund.

What students say

More and more convinced that it is the ideal place to best reconcile study and personal growth with leisure.

Anonymous satisfaction surveys at FSC College

I think that the College, thanks to the attention it receives, is the absolute best place to study and at the same time live serenely and positively during the academic years. My only regret is not having entered earlier.

Anonymous satisfaction surveys at FSC College

A fantastic reality to live and study in.

Anonymous satisfaction surveys at FSC College

In college, it’s possible to combine studying and leisure, growing both educationally and personally.

Anonymous satisfaction surveys at FSC College

The College continues to be a reference point for university education.

Anonymous satisfaction surveys at FSC College

Maximum efficiency from all staff members and comfortable, stimulating environments.

Anonymous satisfaction surveys at FSC College


Founded in 1626, the Collegio San Carlo is today, as a Foundation, a center for academic training and dissemination of culture. Sign up for our newsletter and never miss a story.

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